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Phụ trách | Tô Hồng Phúc |
Cập nhật gần nhất | 28/07/2023 |
Thời gian hoàn thành | 1 giờ 8 phút |
Thành viên | 1 |
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Vui lòng đăng nhập để chia sẻ nó [BCA - A247] FOUNDATIONS OF THE MOTIVATORS MODEL theo email.
1. Motivators Certification Training (Vie)
2. The Seven Dimensions of Motivation Aesthetic Motivator (Vie)
3. The Seven Dimensions of Motivation Economic Motivator (Vie)
4. The Seven Dimensions of Motivation Individualistic Motivator (Vie)
5. The Seven Dimensions of Motivation Power Motivator (Vie)
6. The Seven Dimensions of Motivation Altruistic Motivator (Vie)
7. The Seven Dimensions of Motivation Regulatory Motivator (Vie)
8. The Seven Dimensions of Motivation Theoretical Motivator (Vie)
9. Scoring Motivators Part 1 – The Basics (Vie)
10. Scoring Motivators Part 2 – The Word Matrix (Vie)
11. Scoring Motivators Part 3 – Understanding Combinations (Vie)
12. Debriefing the Motivators Report (Vie)